Tourism Europe

Portal to Europe:General facts and figures country Spain.

photo of Badajoz
image photo of the flag of Badajoz
Tourist map Badajoz (clickable) - Region  Extremadura
Badajoz Cceres Ciudad Real Crdoba Huelva Seville Toledo Tourist map of Badajoz

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amusement park zoo  Am. Park
location of Badajoz

1 type 


: Town with Mudéjar and Baroque architectural styles. The most important travel tips: the church Nuestra Señora de la Granada and Convento de Santa Clara.

2 type 


: Relatively large border town with a Moorish fortress (La Alcazaba), Town

3 type 


: Colorful border town on the eastern banks of the Guadiana river with several churches, including Santa María Magdalena.

4 type 


: This small town in central Badajoz with three old city gates at the foot of Sierra de Castellar is also known as small Seville. The main attraction is the castle (Alcázar) from 1437 where the parador (state hotel) of Zafra is established.

5 type 


: Village (town) in the plains of the Guadiana River with a 13th century medieval castle and a 17th century bridge over the Guadiana river. Many conquistadors such as Hernán Cortes (conqueror of Mexico) came from this place.

6 type 

Jerez de los Caballeros

: Andalusian-like town with a mix of building styles in the southwest of the province near the border with Portugal on the River Ardila. Birth place of explorers Hernando de Soto (Florida, USA) and Vasco Núñez de Balboa (Pacific). The town is enclosed by Moorish walls with six gates.

7 type 


: Former Portuguese town south of Badajoz near the Portuguese border. The architecture consists of a combination of Spanish and Portuguese styles (Manuelline). Attractions are the medieval castle and three churches.

8 type 

Nature reserve Cornavalo

: Northeast of the city of Mérida (10 km) at the Albarregas river in the Sierra Bermeja and the Sierra del Moro with rolling hills with cork oak forests and the Roman dam (reservoir) of Cornalvo.

Hotels in Badajoz

General Information Badajoz

Population:678459 (1,5%, 22e)
Density (people/km2):31 (36e)
Area (km2):21.766 (4,3%, 1e)
Main cities:Mérida, Don Benito
Sun hours in winter:5
Sun hours in summer:12
Tourism (%):0,6 (37e)
Bed places per km2:0,3 (49e)
Landscape:rivers, hills
Highest elevation point:Tentudia 1.105 meter

News from Badajoz.

Spanish news

Youtube Badajoz video - motion pictures

Land use Badajoz

 Forest   2007 km2 
 Other nature   2629 km2 
 Agriculture   11945 km2 
 Grassland   4483 km2 
 Water   640 km2 
 Urban area   57 km2 

Climate: Mean temperature (C) and Precipitaion (mm)

Weather forecast  

Weather Badajoz

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The weather and climate

Current weather in Badajoz (temperature, precipitation).
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